Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeHealth & FitnessIn 2024, Say Goodbye to Dieting and Hello to the Mediterranean Lifestyle

In 2024, Say Goodbye to Dieting and Hello to the Mediterranean Lifestyle

In the Mediterranean, where the sun always shines, eating is an event that brings people together. The fantastic food is just part of it; the real magic is in the gatherings, the conversations, and the shared laughter.

This social aspect is key to the success of the Mediterranean diet, according to experts. A routine that includes walking daily and eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, while limiting red meat and sugary foods, has kept this diet at the top for six years running.

Still not convinced? Studies have linked this way of eating to lower risks of many health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, strokes, and even depression.

How about we move away from the concept of dieting next year and instead cherish food as a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle? CNN’s “Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style” newsletter promotes this tasty and healthy approach to food.

Here’s how to start your journey to healthier eating with five simple tips from the newsletter:

  1. Whole Grains Are Essential

Beginning your Mediterranean diet journey can be as simple as choosing whole wheat bread and pasta over their white counterparts, and opting for brown or wild rice instead of white rice.

Explore “ancient grains” like quinoa, amaranth, millet, farro, spelt, Kamut (said to have been discovered in an Egyptian tomb), and teff (a diminutive grain from Ethiopia). Each grain brings its own unique flavor and texture, encouraging you to try a different type each month to find your personal favorites.

Click here to see additional tips.


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